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Hawera Art Club Exhibition 19 August - 14 September 2024 Lysaght Watt Gallery


Hāwera Art Club (HAC) has been in existence for over 60 years in South Taranaki and aims to

support, encourage and provide educational opportunities to local artists in their chosen

creative pursuit(s) regardless of ability or prior learning. The Club meets monthly at the

Salvation Army Rooms on the first Friday of each month at 1 pm. There is also an informal

Open Art Group that meets 10 am – 3 pm every other Friday of the month and at the same

venue except on aforesaid first Friday of month.

HAC prides itself on being a friendly and welcoming group, with people from all walks of life

joining in to share their talents, insights and arts journey. On annual basis, HAC holds an

exhibition at Lysaght Watt Gallery, 4-6 Union St, Hāwera and presents Brush Strokes in 2024

to showcase members latest artworks in oils, acrylics, water colour, 3D, mixed media and

paper machè. This exhibition reveals our successes and maybe a few frustrations as we rise

to the challenge of picking up a paintbrush or supplementary tool to make art that is

important to us living in South Taranaki.


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